The Poltimore Arms........ God can she hug!

Hi all and welcome to our newest Publi©ious dairy Review blog, this time we visited the Poltimore Arms in Pinhoe, regretfully this time we didn't remember to take any pictures, but we will up date and add as this pub is just up the road from us, its about a 10 minute walk there, 30 minutes back may be longer dependent on duration of stay.
This time we couldn't be bothered to walk, and got Nina to give us a lift there, which is always ideal, especially seems they have a car park just off the main road, which has ample parking and is easy to turn around in.
We wasn't to flush on this occasion so knew it would not be a long stay, it was a fine day so when we got there the idea was to have a few pints in the beer garden which is situated to the rear of the pub, it was in the early afternoon on a Saturday, so there wasn't to many punters in at the time, we got served quickly with a smile after a quick hello and time of day.
if we remember correctly, Magners was the choice, which Epic Al's drink was poured first, and a good amount of ice was served with it, Wayner asked for 7 lumps of ice, as he is always pedantic, as Al had only 6 lumps... the bar lady, which turned out To be the new land lady, found the banter very amusing and even joined in.
The beer garden was very impressive, with plenty of sitting locations, whilst we was out there, several other people was drinking there, at one point the land lady came out to have a quick cigarette and joined in with conversations with our self's and others.
worth a note on the third pint, there was more people in the bar area, one friendly local joined in the banter, which if i remember correctly was about cleaning glasses and there brand new dish washer, as he was wearing a good pair of bifocals we suggested that if there dish washer was that good, perhaps he should try putting them in there, for that prefect clean, he seen the funny side of it ...and declined the offer.
Al offered Wayne a game of darts, but Wayner couldn't be bothered, preferring more time to be spent in the garden, soon after we rang Nina for a lift home, and finished our fourth and last pint.
The pints where priced at £2.70, and crisps £1 which was not cheap considering the out of town location.


well well ...a big thumbs up for the Exeter arms...

yesterday we visited the Exeter arms,... blah blah blah... wow and some..

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    September 2012

